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Purchase goods Assignment

SITXINV007 Purchase goods Assignment

Table of Contents

Assessment Pack (UAP) – Cover Sheet                                                                                             3

Student and Trainer/Assessor Details                                                                                          3

Course and Unit Details                                                                                                               3

Assessment Submission Method                                                                                                 3

Student Declaration                                                                                                                     3

Assessment Plan                                                                                                                         4

Unit information pack                                                                                                                  4

UAT 1 – Unit Knowledge Test (UKT)                                                                                                 5

Pre-assessment checklist                                                                                                             5

Purpose                                                                                                                                       5

Information for students                                                                                                             5

Reasonable adjustments                                                                                                             5

Student declaration                                                                                                                     5

Assessment task instructions                                                                                                       6

Unit Assessment Result Sheet (UARS)                                                                                             25

UAT 2 – Practical Demonstration                                                                                                      27

Pre-assessment checklist                                                                                                             27

Purpose                                                                                                                                       27

Information for students                                                                                                             27

Reasonable adjustments                                                                                                             27

Student declaration                                                                                                                     27

Assessment task instructions                                                                                                       28

Unit Assessment Result Sheet (UARS)                                                                                             60

Assessment Pack (UAP) – Cover Sheet

Student and Trainer/Assessor Details

Student ID Student name

Trainer/Assessor name


Course and Unit Details

Course code Course name Unit code

Unit name

Purchase goods

Assessment Submission Method


  • By hand to trainer/assessor
  • By email to


  • Online submission via Learning Management System (LMS)
  • By Australia Post to RTO
  • Any other method


(Please mention here)

Student Declaration


  • I certify that the work submitted for this assessment pack is my own. I have clearly referenced any sources used in my submission. I understand that a false declaration is a form of malpractice.
  • I have kept a copy of this assessment pack and all relevant notes, attachments, and reference material that I used in the production of the assessment pack;
  • For the purposes of assessment, I give the Trainer/Assessor of this assessment the permission to:
    • Reproduce this assessment and provide a copy to another member of staff; and
    • Take steps to authenticate the assessment, including communicating a copy of this assessment to a checking service (which may retain a copy of the assessment on its database for future

      plagiarism checking).

Assessment Plan

To demonstrate competence in this unit, the student must be assessed as satisfactory in each of the following assessment tasks.


Evidence recordedEvidence Type/ Method of assessmentSufficient evidence recorded/Outcome
Unit Assessment Task 1Unit Knowledge Test (UKT)

S / NS (First Attempt)

S / NS (Second Attempt)

Unit Assessment Task 2Practical demonstration

S / NS (First Attempt)

S / NS (Second Attempt)

Final resultC ☐ NYC ☐Date assessed 
Trainer/Assessor Signature 


Unit information pack

 Text Box: The student and Trainer/Assessor must read and understand all the information in the unit information pack before completing the unit assessment pack.

Pre-assessment checklist Purpose

The pre-assessment checklist helps students determine if they are ready for assessment. The Trainer/Assessor must review the checklist with the student before the student attempts the assessment task. If any items of the checklist are incomplete or not clear to the student, the Trainer/Assessor must provide relevant information to the student to ensure they understand the requirements of the assessment task. The student must ensure they are ready for the assessment task before undertaking it.


Information for students

  • Please make sure you have completed the necessary prior learning before attempting this assessment.
  • Please make sure your Trainer/Assessor has clearly explained the assessment process and tasks to be completed.
  • Please make sure you understand what evidence is required to be collected and how.
  • Please make sure you know your rights and the complaints and appeal process.
  • Please make sure you discuss any special needs or reasonable adjustments to be considered during the assessment (refer to the Reasonable Adjustments Strategy Matrix and negotiate these with your


  • Please make sure that you have access to a computer and the internet (if you prefer to type the answers).
  • Please ensure that you have all the required resources needed to complete this Unit Assessment Task (UAT).
  • Due date of this assessment task is according to your timetable.
  • In exceptional (compelling and compassionate) circumstances, an extension to submit an assessment can be granted by the Trainer/Assessor.
  • Evidence of the compelling and compassionate circumstances must be provided together with your request for an extension to submit your assessment work.
  • Request for an extension to submit your assessment work must be made before the due date of this assessment task.


Reasonable adjustments

  • If student has requested a reasonable adjustment, then complete the reasonable adjustment form included in the unit information pack.


Student declaration

  • I confirm that Trainer/Assessor has provided all the information related to the assessment task as included in the information for student section and I am ready for the assessment.
Student signatureSukhmanpreet KaurDate24/11/23

Assessment type:


  • Written Questions

Instructions provided to the student:

Assessment task description:

  • This is the first (1) unit of assessment task that the student must successfully complete to be deemed competent in this unit of competency.
  • The Unit Knowledge Test is comprised of nine (9) written questions.
  • Student must respond to all the questions and submit them to the Trainer/Assessor.
  • Student must answer all questions to the required level, e.g. provide the number of points, to be deemed satisfactory in this task.
  • Trainer/Assessor is required to provide feedback within two weeks and notify students when results are available.


Applicable conditions:


  • This knowledge test is untimed and is conducted as an open book test (this means student can refer to textbooks during the test).
  • Student must read and respond to all questions.
  • Student may handwrite/use computers to answer the questions.
  • Student must complete the task independently.
  • No marks or grades are allocated for this assessment task. The outcome of the task will be Satisfactory or Not Satisfactory.
  • Trainer /Assessor must assess student’s written skills and knowledge as he/she completes this assessment task.
  • The Trainer/Assessor may ask the student relevant questions on this assessment task to ensure that this is his/her own work.


Resubmissions and reattempts:


  • Where a student’s answers are deemed not satisfactory after the first attempt, a resubmission attempt will be allowed.
  • Student may speak to their Trainer/Assessor if the student has any difficulty in completing this task and requires a reasonable adjustment (e.g., can be given as an oral assessment).
  • For more information, please refer to the RTO Student Handbook.




  • This assessment task may be completed in (tick the relevant box):


  • Learning Management System
  • Classroom
  • Simulated learning environment
  • Workplace
  • Trainer/Assessor will provide the student with further information regarding the location for completing this assessment task.

Purpose of the assessment


The purpose of the assessment is to check knowledge relevant to the unit.

Instructions for answering written questions:


  • Students must complete a written assessment consisting of a series of questions.
  • It is expected from students to correctly answer all the questions.
  • Answers must demonstrate an understanding and application of relevant concepts, critical thinking, and good writing skills.
  • Students must respond to all questions for this assessment in a concise manner, providing only information that is relevant.
  • Student must use non-discriminatory language. The language should not devalue, demean, or exclude individuals or groups on the basis of such attributes including gender, disability, culture, race, religion, sexual preference, age and/or any other basis. Gender inclusive language should be used.
  • Assessors must not accept responses/answers that have been copied directly from other sources materials


  • Access to learner guide and other learning materials.
  • Computer
  • Internet
  • MS Word
  • Printer or e-printer
  • Unit Assessment Task


Question 1a: List any ten 10 sources of information to determine purchase requirements.Satisfactory response
Yes ☐



 Text Box: 1.	Customer Feedback and Reviews
2.	Market Research Reports
3.	Supplier and Vendor Information
4.	Internal Stakeholder Input
5.	Industry Conferences and Trade Shows
6.	Regulatory Requirements
7.	Professional Networks and Forums
8.	Product Demos and Trials
9.	Benchmarking Competitors
10.	Industry Publications and Journals


Question 1b:Satisfactory
i. What are the features and quality expectations of the purchased end products? (100-120response


ii. Complete the table below by providing the features and quality expectations of any three ingredients for the recipe below.

i. Yes ☐

ii . Yes



Recipe – Insalata Caprese  






















On a large platter, alternate and overlap the tomato slices, mozzarella cheese slices, and basil leaves. Drizzle with olive oil and balsamic glaze. Season with sea salt and pepper.



IngredientFeatures and Quality Expectations
Ripe Tomatoes (sliced)Firm, flavorful, and free from defects.
Buffalo Mozzarella CheeseCreamy texture, rich flavor, sliced 1/4 inch thick.
Basil LeavesVibrant green color, aromatic freshness, 1/3 cup or about 0.03 kg.
Olive OilHigh-quality, 3 tablespoons or about 0.04 kg for a rich flavor.
Salt & PepperTo taste, minimal amount (0.001 kg), enhancing overall seasoning.


Question 1c: While working in a restaurant, who are the different personnel kitchen staff may need to consult regarding end product requirements to purchase the goods? List (3) such individuals and outline why you may need to discuss the requirements with them in one to two sentences.Satisfactory response
Yes ☐



 Text Box: While working in a restaurant, kitchen staff may need to consult the following individuals regarding end product requirements for purchasing goods:
•	Head Chef or Executive Chef: The Head Chef oversees the kitchen operations and menu
development. Consulting them ensures alignment with the overall culinary vision, taste preferences, and quality standards of the restaurant.
•	Purchasing Manager or Buyer: The Purchasing Manager is responsible for procuring ingredients and supplies. Collaborating with them ensures efficient sourcing, cost-effectiveness, and adherence to the restaurant's budget and procurement policies.
•	Restaurant Manager or Operations Manager: The Restaurant Manager provides insights into customer preferences, inventory management, and overall restaurant goals, helping kitchen staff make informed decisions that align with business objectives.


Question 2a: List any eight (8) considerations in determining the quality and suitability of stock on hand for the food supplies in the restaurant.Satisfactory response
Yes ☐


 Text Box: 1.	Expiration Dates: Check the expiration dates to ensure that the stock is within its shelf life, minimizing the risk of using expired or spoiled ingredients.
2.	Storage Conditions: Assess how well the stock has been stored, considering factors like temperature, humidity, and proper segregation to prevent cross-contamination.


Text Box: 3.	Physical Appearance: Examine the visual appearance of the items, looking for signs of spoilage, discoloration, mold, or any other visible defects.
4.	Odor: Smell the stock to detect any off-putting or unusual odors that could indicate spoilage or contamination.
5.	Packaging Integrity: Inspect the packaging for any damage, leaks, or compromised seals, as this can affect the quality and safety of the contents.
6.	Consistency with Specifications: Ensure that the stock matches the specifications outlined in purchase orders, including brand, quantity, and any other specific requirements.
7.	Allergen Information: Verify the allergen information to prevent unintentional exposure to allergens and ensure compliance with food safety regulations.
8.	Usage Trends: Consider the historical usage patterns to identify slow-moving items, potential overstock, or items approaching the end of their shelf life, allowing for proactive management and minimizing waste.

Question 2b: List 10 ways to maximise the use of suitable and available kitchen stock to avoid wastage.Satisfactory response
Yes ☐



 Text Box: 1.	Regular Inventory Checks: Monitor stock levels frequently.
2.	FIFO System: Use older stock first with a First In, First Out approach.
3.	Menu Planning: Design menus to use ingredients with shorter shelf lives.
4.	Portion Control: Train for precise portioning to reduce overuse.
5.	Creative Specials: Feature items with limited shelf life in specials.
6.	Staff Training: Educate staff on waste reduction and efficiency.
7.	Communication: Maintain clear communication between kitchen and front-of-house.
8.	Sous Vide Techniques: Extend shelf life with sous vide cooking methods.
9.	Preservation Techniques: Pickle, freeze, or dehydrate to preserve ingredients.
10.	Collaborate with Suppliers: Optimize orders with suppliers to prevent overstock.


Question 2c: Match the following inventory terms with the appropriate descriptions.Satisfactory response
Yes ☐



Column 1(inventory





Column 2(descriptions)






a. products shipped to a business froma supplier or manufacturer

and then immediately sold to customers.


Unfinished products




b. stored in a warehouse until sold or shipped.


Finished products




c. excess products are those in anticipation of a surge in sales


In-transit goods




d. isa crucial aspect of effective supply management






e. materials you use tomake your products


Anticipation inventory




f. areproducts which serveas a cushion in case ofan unexpected

issue or need for more inventory.


Decoupling inventory




g. itemsthat are nolonger in thewarehouse are beingtransported

to their final destination.






h. is the process of keeping the appropriate quantity of stock in

order to meetcustomer demand without delay while minimising the expense of storing stock.


Safety stock




i. materials you use tomake your products


Inventory Control




j. pertains to parts, supplies, or products setaside in anticipation of a

slowdown or stop in production.




























Inventory management






















































k. maintenance, repair, and operating supply goods

Question 3a: What is forecasting? List four forecasting methods that are used by the purchase manager in a restaurant for calculating the required quantity of goods to be purchased. (Max 50-70 words)Satisfactory response
Yes ☐



 Text Box: Forecasting is the process of predicting future demand for goods or services. Purchase managers in restaurants employ various forecasting methods to calculate the required quantity of goods. Four common methods include:
•	Time Series Analysis: Predicts future values based on historical data patterns.
•	Qualitative Forecasting: Relies on expert opinions and market research.
•	Quantitative Forecasting: Utilizes mathematical models and statistical analysis.
•	Causal Models: Considers cause-and-effect relationships influencing demand.
Demand (00s)1317192324



Question 3b: The demand for menu items in the last five months is shown below:






Based on this data set, utilise a two-month moving average to generate a forecast for demand in month six.

Satisfactory response
Yes ☐



Question 4a: What is job costing? How can job costings be used to determine price

limitations for purchasing goods for the food business? Write your answer in 100-150 words.

Satisfactory response
Yes ☐



 Text Box: Job costing is a accounting method used to track the costs of a specific job or project. In the context of the food business, job costing involves allocating costs to each menu item or dish produced. It accounts for direct costs like ingredients, labor, and overhead specific to the creation of that dish.
Job costings play a crucial role in determining price limitations for purchasing goods in the food business. By


Text Box: accurately tracking the costs associated with producing each menu item, businesses can establish a baseline for pricing. This helps in setting competitive yet profitable prices, ensuring that the selling price covers not only the direct costs but also contributes to overhead and desired profit margins. Regularly analyzing job costings allows businesses to adjust pricing strategies, optimize menu offerings, and make informed decisions about purchasing goods to maintain profitability and competitiveness in the market.

Question 4b: How can you develop and use purchase lists to prioritise purchasing requirements according to organisational deadlines? (100-150 words)Satisfactory response
Yes ☐



 Text Box: To develop and use purchase lists effectively for prioritizing purchasing requirements based on organizational deadlines, a systematic approach is essential. Start by creating a comprehensive list of required goods, specifying quantities and delivery dates. Prioritize items based on criticality to operations, seasonal demands, and availability. Regularly update the list to reflect changes in demand or supplier capabilities. Utilize
technology like inventory management systems to streamline the process, automate reorder triggers, and track delivery timelines. Communication with suppliers is key; establish clear expectations and negotiate delivery schedules. By having an organized and dynamic purchase list, businesses can proactively manage inventory, meet organizational deadlines, and ensure a smooth supply chain flow, optimizing operational efficiency and customer satisfaction.



Question 4c: You have a birthday party coming up for 60 people on 15th Oct in your restaurant where you are the purchase manager. All ingredients are purchased, butat the

last minute, the host requests an additional main course to cater to Vegans (Recipe below).

Calculate the recipe's ingredient requirements for 60 portions and make a purchase list using the template below.

Satisfactory response 
Yes ☐




Recipe Ratatouille Vegetables

 Serves: 4 portions Preparation time: 15 Minutes Cooking Time: 20 Minutes 















Heat oil in a large, heavy-based saucepan over medium-high heat. Add capsicum and garlic. Cook, stirring, for 2 minutes or until capsicum has softened. Meanwhile, chop



M.S Aviation Pty Ltd trading as Australian School of Commerce Name of the Document- SITXINV007 Unit Assessment Pack Version no:23.05



M.S Aviation Pty Ltd T/A Australian School of Commerce

RTO NO. 41089 I CRICOS NO.: 03489A

Melbourne Campus: Level4, 123-129 Lonsdale Street Melbourne, Victoria 3000 Australia Hobart Campus: Level 4, 18 Elizabeth Street, Hobart Tasmania 7000 Australia

Ph: 1300 781 194 I E: Info@asoc.edu.au I W: www.asoc.edu.au

ABN: 87 160 483 447


eggplant and diagonally slice zucchini. Add eggplant and zucchini. Cook, stirring, for 2 minutes or until vegetables have just softened.

Add vinegar and tomato. Cook, stirring, for 30 seconds or until the vinegar has evaporated. Add 1/4 cup cold water. Season with salt and pepper. Bring to a simmer. Simmer, covered, for 4 minutes or until vegetables are tender and sauce is thick.


Purchase List


Food items




Product Description


Unit cost $








Olive oilOilOlive oil$8L2$8
Red capsicumVegetableRed capsicum$4kg2$4
Garlic clovesSpicesGarlic cloves$3kg2$3
Egg plantVegetablesEgg plant$5kg2$5
Red wine vinegarCondimentsRed wine vinegar$8kg2$8
Medium tomatoesVegetablesMedium tomatoes$6kg2$6
Question 5a: While sourcing and reviewing potential suppliers and complying with organisational procedures for the supply of goods:Satisfactory response
  1. What should you look for in a supplier? (List six traits)
  2. What are the sources of product and supplier information? (List six)
  1. Yes ☐
  2. Yes ☐



 Text Box: Traits to Look for in a Supplier:
•	Reliability: Consistent track record of on-time deliveries.
•	Quality Standards: Adherence to industry quality standards.
•	Cost Competitiveness: Competitive pricing without compromising quality.
•	Flexibility: Ability to adapt to changes in demand and business requirements.
•	Communication Skills: Transparent and effective communication.
•	Ethical Practices: Adherence to ethical business practices and sustainability.


Text Box: ii.	Sources of Product and Supplier Information:
•	Supplier Websites: Official websites provide detailed information on products and services.
•	Trade Shows: Attend industry trade shows for direct interaction with suppliers.
•	Trade Publications: Industry-specific magazines and publications for product reviews and trends.
•	Online Directories: Utilize online platforms that compile supplier information.
•	Networking: Seek recommendations from industry colleagues and professional associations.
•	Certifications: Review audits and certifications validating quality and ethical practices.

Question 5b: How can a purchase manager assess supplier capacity to meet the price, quality, and delivery expectations for the food supplies? (100-150 words)Satisfactory response
Yes ☐



 Text Box: A purchase manager can assess a supplier's capacity to meet price, quality, and delivery expectations through a comprehensive evaluation process. Firstly, analyze the supplier's financial stability and production capabilities to ensure they can handle the required volume. Request samples or conduct product trials to assess the quality of their offerings. Seek references from existing clients to gauge their reliability and adherence to delivery timelines. Negotiate pricing terms to ensure competitiveness without compromising quality. Additionally, consider the supplier's commitment to continuous improvement and their ability to adapt to changing demands. Regular performance reviews, open communication, and collaboration with the supplier contribute to a thorough understanding of their capacity to consistently meet price, quality, and delivery expectations for food supplies.


Question 6a: Imagine that you are placing an order for Sirloin steak as a component in a steak sandwich dish. Ideally, the steaks should individually weigh around 170 grams, though a little variation in the weight is not a problem. As it needs to cook quickly, there should not be too much fat, preferably not more than 8 grams a serving. In order to keep it fresh, it

needs to arrive at a temperature of below 5 degrees, and each serving should be sealed individually. As your establishment prides itself on quality produce, the meat must have been aged for a minimum of 21 days, and you require ten portions for each order.

Write an email to the supplier detailing the product requirements/specifications and ask

them to confirm the availability of supply, given the product requirements. Further, enquire as to the price per unit for the product. For outlining the product specifications, utilise the

attached template and ensure your email is no more than 100-150 words.

Satisfactory response 
Yes ☐




Ingredient Weight

Trim Packed

Specific requirements

Delivery temperature


Question 6b: You are required to refer to the Feast of Flavours website (log in details can be retrieved from the task 2), retrieve the Stock Control and Purchasing policy and procedure manual, and answer the questions provided in the table.Satisfactory response
Yes ☐



List the steps required to complete the purchase orders (50-100 words

Who is authorised to negotiate and make purchases in Feast of Flavours?

In case the authorised purchase

personnel are unavailable, how can the employees purchase the urgent supplies for the business? (25-50 words)

List any five limitations placed on which suppliers can be used for the purchases

Who is responsible for purchasing stock and what is the stock ordering

procedure? (List the 8 steps)


  1. Identify the need for goods or services.
  2. Confirm product specifications and quantities.
  3. Obtain quotes or negotiate pricing with suppliers.
  4. Create the purchase order document, including item details, quantities, and agreed-upon pricing.
  5. Obtain necessary approvals.
  6. Send the purchase order to the selected supplier.
  7. Receive an acknowledgment from the supplier.
  8. Monitor delivery and reconcile with the order upon receipt.
  9. Verify the invoice against the purchase order.
  10. Process payment once goods or services are received and confirmed.

The negotiations and purchasing authority at Feast of Flavours rests with the head chef, Chef. In their absence, this responsibility is seamlessly handled by the sous-chef, ensuring a continuous supply of quality ingredients for the culinary delights at the establishment.

In case authorized personnel are unavailable:

Employees can purchase urgent supplies through an emergency procurement process with pre-approved vendors, using a designated emergency purchase form.


Limitations on suppliers:

  • Approved Vendor List adherence.
    • Compliance with quality standards.
    • Capacity to meet delivery timelines.
    • Adherence to ethical and sustainable practices.
    • Competitive pricing within budget constraints. The Head Chef manages purchasing. Ordering involves:
    • Identifying needs.
    • Generating purchase requisition.
    • Obtaining approvals.
    • Vendor selection.
    • Negotiating terms.
    • Creating a purchase order.











When receiving the goods, what are the quality indicators that Feast of Flavours employees should look before

approving the supplies from the supplier? (List six)










Quality indicators when receiving goods:

  • Correct product specifications.
  • Freshness and expiration dates.
  • Adequate packaging.
  • Proper temperature maintenance.
  • Correct quantities.
  • Compliance with safety and hygiene standards.


M.S Aviation Pty Ltd T/A Australian School of Com

RTO NO. 41089 I CRICOS NO.: 03489A

Melbourne Campus: Level 4, 123-129 Lonsdale Stree Hobart Campus: Level 4, 18 Elizabeth Street, Hobart Ph: 1300 781 194 I E: Info@asoc.edu.au I W: www.a

ABN: 87 160 483 447



t Melbourne, Victoria 3000 Australia Tasmania 7000 Australia



·    Confirming delivery schedules.

·    Monitoring order fulfillment.


Who is responsible forreceiving the

supplies from the supplier?


Receiving supplies:

The designated stockreceiver, typically a kitchen manager or supervisor.


What are the documents used to keep

the record of thepurchased stocks (list two)

Documents for record-keeping:

·    Purchase Orders.

·    Supplier Invoices.

Question 6c: You are required to refer to the Feast of Flavours website (log in details can be retrieved from the task 2), retrieve the Stock Control and Purchasing policy and proceduremanual, and answer the questions provided in the table.

  1. What document does Feast of Flavours use to retrieve the supplier information? Also provide the format for this document.
  2. How does Feast of Flavours select their supplier for the purchases of food supplies?
  3. When a supplier is approved for the purchase, what document is used to approve the foodsupplier and what are the key inclusions for the supplier to approve their goods? Provide the template for this document.

    Satisfactory response

Yes ☐



M.S Aviation

RTO NO. 410

Melbourne C Hobart Camp Ph: 1300 781

ABN: 87160 4

Pty Ltd T/A Australian School of Com

I CRICOS NO.: 03489A

mpus: Level 4, 123-129 Lonsdale Stre s:Level 4, 18 Elizabeth Street, Hobar194 I E: Info@asoc.edu.au I W: www.

83 447



et Melbourne, Victoria 300 t Tasmania 7000 Australia


0 Australia


Question 7a: What are the three key sources of cost information on the negotiated cost of supplies for the food industry?Satisfactory response
Yes ☐


 Text Box: The three key sources of cost information on the negotiated cost of supplies for the food industry are:
1.	Supplier Quotations: Obtained directly from suppliers, these documents outline the cost of specific products or services. They provide detailed information on unit prices, bulk discounts, and any
additional charges.
2.	Market Research: Analyzing market trends, competitor pricing, and industry benchmarks helps to understand the prevailing costs in the market. This information aids in negotiating favorable terms with suppliers and ensures competitiveness.
3.	Historical Cost Data: Reviewing past purchasing records and cost data within the organization
provides insights into previous negotiations and helps in evaluating the effectiveness of cost-saving strategies. Historical data aids in setting realistic negotiation goals for future transactions.

Question 7b: i. What should be avoided when discussing payment terms with suppliers?

ii. What is a good agreement favourable for both parties and what does it include? (50-100 words each)

Satisfactory response
  1. Yes ☐
  2. Yes ☐



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