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Participate in safe work practices.

SITXWHS005 - Participate in safe work practices Assignment


Student Assessment Workbook

Theory task

SITXWHS005 - Participate in safe work practices.

Student Name: 
Student ID No: 
Start date of unit 


This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to incorporate safe work practices into own workplace activities. It requires the ability to follow predetermined health, safety and security procedures and to participate in organisational work health and safety (WHS) management practices.

The unit applies to all tourism, travel, hospitality and event sectors and to any small, medium or large organisation.

All personnel at all levels use this skill in the workplace during the course of their daily activities.

The unit incorporates the requirement for all employees under state and territory WHS legislation, to participate in the management of their own health and safety, that of their colleagues and anyone else in the workplace. They must cooperate with their employer and follow practices to ensure safety at work.

The skills in this unit must be applied in accordance with Commonwealth and State/Territory legislation, Australian/New Zealand standards and industry codes of practice.

No occupational licensing, certification or specific legislative requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.

Internet link to unit

For detailed information about elements and performance criteria, foundation skills, performance evidence, knowledge evidence and assessment conditions, please follow the following link.


Purpose of the Document

This Student Assessment Workbook contains details of your assessment tasks and the guidelines for you to be able to complete the assessments for this qualification. 

Purpose of Assessment

Assessment is the process of gathering and judging of evidence to decide whether a student has achieved a standard of competence. Successful completion of all assessment tasks will contribute to the attainment of the unit of competency.


Training and Delivery Arrangements

A training plan will be provided to the student with the start date and end date of each unit.

The trainer will hand over the resources to read and inform the student to complete Assessment tasks according to timetable. The training department will make sure that the training location is WHS compliant and safe for the training and equipped with the necessary resources needed for the effective delivery of training. 

Trainers will be using PowerPoint slides, discussions, role-plays, and class activities as part of training.

Assessment Arrangements

To be assessed as competent the participant must: 

  • complete all assessment tasks to satisfactory level and according to the assessment instructions.
  • Submit them to trainer/assessor according to the due date as mentioned in the training plan or negotiated with the trainer/assessor.
  • The trainer/assessor will give the detailed feedback on the work completed by the student.
  • Perform all practical assessment tasks without risk to self, danger to others or damage to property, land or equipment under the supervision of the trainer.
  • abide by all relevant instructions and directions as they relate to the assessment tasks.

In judging evidence, the assessor must ensure and declare that the evidence meet the Rules of Evidence as:

  • authentic (candidate’s own work, for which submission declaration and ID check during task performance and the assessment under supervision as per the assessment instructions)
  • valid (directly related to the current version of the relevant endorsed unit of competency and as per instructions)
  • reliable (shows that the candidate consistently meets the endorsed unit of competency) 
  • current (reflects the candidate’s current capacity to perform the aspect of the work covered by the endorsed unit of competency}, and
  • sufficient (covers the full range of elements, performance criteria, knowledge evidence, performance evidence and assessment conditions in the relevant unit of competency)

The assessment process must:

  • provide that assessment is conducted and declared by the assessor in accordance with Principles of Assessment for being valid, reliable, flexible and fair assessment.
  • provide for judgment to be made on the basis of sufficient evidence keeping in accordance with Rules of Evidence given above.
  • Access and equity

An individual's access to the assessment process should not be adversely affected by restrictions placed on the location or context of assessment beyond the requirements specified in the training package. 

The individual learner’s needs are considered in the assessment process. Where appropriate, reasonable adjustments are applied to take into account the individual learner’s needs (Refer to Pre-Training Review section). 

The training department informs the learner about the assessment process and provides the learner with the opportunity to challenge the result of the assessment and be reassessed if necessary (Refer to Re-Assessment section). 

Reasonable adjustments can be made to ensure equity in assessment for people with disabilities. Adjustments include any changes to the assessment process or context that meet the Individual needs of the person with a disability, but do not change competency outcomes. Such adjustments are considered reasonable if they do not impose an unjustifiable hardship on training department or employer or learner. When assessing people with disabilities, assessors are encouraged to apply good practice assessment methods with sensitivity and flexibility.

Assessors should also provide alternative assessment activities to address identified specific organisation requirements.

Assessment tools

The tools used, having multiple tasks, provide a foundation on which to build a comprehensive learning and assessment program. In the assessment workbook there are a range of assessment tasks. The types of activities are varied to ensure good "testing" of the required skills and knowledge. Trainers / Assessors will need to adapt or supplement these resources where appropriate.

A range of standard assessment methods are used within each assessment tool (refer to Methods of assessments)

Once all tasks have been completed, the file(s) containing answers to assessment workbook tasks should be submitted to the trainer/assessor and the assessor will give the detailed feedback.


Learners who are assessed as ‘Not Yet Competent’ are to be provided with detailed verbal and written feedback to assist them to identify the gaps in their knowledge and skills to be addressed through further training and assessment. These learners are to be provided with additional training and learning support to target their specific gaps in knowledge and/or skills and prepare them for additional assessment. 

It is the policy to provide additional training and re-assessment as required at no additional cost to the learner. Learner’s requiring additional learning support are to be brought to the attention of management so the progress of the learner can be monitored closely, and additional support services can be applied if required. Where learners repeatedly do not demonstrate competence following significant learning and assessment support, a learner’s enrolment can be determined through mutual agreement. Please note, learners are granted with 3 attempts for a successful assessment outcome. Where learners are unable to achieve competency after 3 attempts, they may be required to re-enrol in that unit/s and undertake further training.

Rules of evidence

There are four rules of evidence that guide the collection of evidence. The student’s work must demonstrate the rule of evidence e.g. 

  • Valid – The assessment task must cover the required skills and knowledge.
  • Sufficient – it must be enough to satisfy the competency.
  • Current – skills and knowledge must be up to date.
  • Authentic – it must be the student’s own work and supporting documents must be genuine.

Principles of Assessment

The four principles of assessment are followed in assessment of each student’s evidence of competence. The four principles are:

  • Validity
  • Reliability
  • Flexibility
  • Fairness


  • assessment against the unit(s) of competency and the associated assessment requirements covers the broad range of skills and knowledge that are essential to competent performance.
  • assessment of knowledge and skills is integrated with their practical application.
  • assessment to be based on evidence that demonstrates that a student could establish these skills and knowledge in other similar situations; and 
  • Judgment of competence is based on evidence of student performance that is aligned to the unit/s of competency and associated assessment requirements.


Evidence presented for assessment is consistently interpreted and assessment results are comparable irrespective of the assessor conducting the assessment.


The individual student’s needs are considered in the assessment process. Wherever appropriate, reasonable adjustments are applied to take into account the individual student’s needs. The training department informs the student about the assessment process and provides the student with the opportunity to challenge the result of the assessment and be reassessed if necessary.

FlexibilityAssessment is flexible to the individual student by

  • reflecting the student’s needs.
  • assessing competencies held by the student no matter how or where they have been acquired; and
  • Drawing from a range of assessment methods and using those that are appropriate to the context, the unit of competency and associated assessment requirements, and the individual.

Competency/Submission Details and Instructions 

For you to achieve competency in this unit, you are required to complete the following tasks and submit according to your proposed training plan, or the date specified by Trainer/assessor in particular cases (please see Access and Equity Policy and Procedure). The student instructions for each task have been mentioned before the start of each task. You must achieve satisfactory ratings on all tasks. 

Within the context of these assessment tasks for role playing activities / presentations / demonstrations, the assessor may fill in the role of client, manager or supervisor, as applicable. 


  • At each submission of your assessment, the student must declare that the work submitted is his/her own and has not been copied. Failure to do so will result in the assessment work being returned for completion thus delaying the assessment. 
  • Make sure you have read all supporting resources prior to commencing and completing any of the questions and activities in this assessment workbook.
  • If you are unsure of the requirements of a question, activity or project – please contact your trainer/assessor, at the given contact details in the beginning of this document, for clarification. Reasonable adjustment options are available however this must be arranged in coordination with the Training Department prior to assessment.
  • You must ensure that you have attempted and completed all assessment tasks in this Student Assessment Workbook prior to submitting for assessment.
  • All the above items must be adhered to. Failure to do so will result in your work being returned to you, delaying the assessment of your tasks.
  • Written questions require in-depth responses and answers must comply with the instructions provided. 
  • At the time of submission of workbook or individual unit, ask for Receipt from staff. Keep it safe for your records and future references.

Understanding the assessment grading system

Assessments for qualifications are competency based, which means students are assessed against the unit of competency requirements. Assessment results are recorded as follows:

  • Satisfactory (S) result: the student’s submitted work satisfies the learning requirements and competency standards for the Task.
  • Not Satisfactory (NS) result: the student’s submitted work does not demonstrate the understanding of competency standards in the Task. 
  • Competent © result: Once a student receives a satisfactory result for all required assessment Tasks, as per the learning requirements and all competency standards for the unit (in accordance with the unit of competency details at National Register www.training.gov.au), C outcome will be awarded for the entire unit.
  • Not Yet Competent (NYC) result: If any of the Tasks in unit is NS, a student will receive NYC outcome. He/she will receive written feedback from a trainer/assessor, clearly outlining where the gaps are. The student will then be required to rectify these gaps and re-submit his/her assessment for marking.


Feedback and Review

The student will receive written feedback from a trainer/assessor, clearly outlining why the student’s submitted work does not demonstrate the understanding of competency standards in the task and where the gaps are. The student will then be required to rectify these gaps and re-submit his/her assessment for marking.

Plagiarism and Collusion

Plagiarism and collusion are both forms of cheating. It is taking and using someone else’s ideas, writings or information and representing them as your own. Plagiarism is a serious act and may result in a participant’s exclusion from a unit or a course. When you have any doubts about including the work of other authors in your assessments, please consult with your Trainer/assessor and refer to the Student Handbook. In case you need further information about plagiarism and collusion, please ask staff to provide you with the copy of plagiarism and collusion policy and procedure. Alternatively, you may refer to the website. The following list outlines some of the activities for which a participant can be accused of plagiarism:

  • Presenting any work by another individual as one’s own unintentionally.
  • Submitting assessments copied from another student.
  • Presenting the work of another individual or group as their own work
  • Submitting assessments without the adequate acknowledgement of sources used, including assessments copied totally or in part from the internet.

Referencing your work

The students are required to use the right sources in their work. By doing proper referencing, you are acknowledging that you have used someone else’s information or work. The students are encouraged its students to use APA 6th referencing Style. You can visit http://guides.lib.monash.edu/citing-referencing/apa  for the style information or visit https://www.refme.com/au/referencing-generator/apa/ for APA style references generation. You must reference all sources that you use in your assignment, including words and ideas, facts, images, videos, audio, websites, statistics, diagrams and data.

There are two parts to every referencing system:

  • In-text reference – a reference to a source of information placed within the body of the work. 
  • The reference list – a list of all sources referred to in the work, located at the end of the work.


Please ask your trainer if you do not know how to reference your evidence. Ensure your work is referenced to prevent plagiarism. For more information on plagiarism and referencing, refer to the Student Handbook. 

Appealing a decision

Where a student disagrees with a decision made by Trainer/assessor regarding outcome of unit, plagiarism or cheating, he/she may pursue appeal proceedings in accordance with the complaints and appeals process given in Complaints and Appeals Policy and Procedure, as you have the right to appeal the outcome. More information about this process can be found in the Student Handbook or can be obtained from the Student Support Officials.

Reasonable Adjustments

If you have special needs or disabilities, reasonable adjustment will be organised in accordance with the policies and procedures of reasonable adjustments.  This may include but not limited to:

  • visual difficulty: we can assist by making adjustments such as larger print of documents, assessment tools and forms.
  • physical disabilities: assessment may be broken down into shorter/longer lengths of time, where applicable
  • sick or have medical condition, due date extension may be provided.
  • LLN Support

Examples of reasonable adjustment in assessment may include but not limited to:

  • Submission of an oral assessment task for a written one
  • Provision of extra time
  • Use of adaptive technology


The requirements for special needs must be established and an appropriate record must be kept of the efforts made to establish special need and the outcomes of these efforts.

Methods of assessments

There are two types of tasks for assessing the unit of competency for each unit.

  1. Written Questions i.e. A set of questions to test the student’s knowledge for the unit of competency.
  2. Project and demonstration/role play: i.e. A series of practical tasks assessing the student’s practical knowledge and skill for the unit of competency.

The following methods are used for assessing the student.

  • Analysis of responses to all written questions 
  • Analysis of responses to case studies.
  • Analysis of responses to practical tasks/demonstration/role-play/written reports (Please refer to the assessment tasks instructions for individual tasks)
  • Observation of demonstration by the student in role play/workplace activities
  • Oral Answers to Oral Questions to confirm the ability to consistently identify and correctly interpret the essential underpinning knowledge required for practical application. The trainer assessor will tick the related answer provided by the student which relates to the benchmark answers or will add the additional answers provided by the student in the provided space.

Required Resources 

  1. Student Assessment Workbook
  2. Learner guide
  3. Access to supportive human resources 
  4. Access to computers and printers
  5. Access to internet  
  6. Access to simulated environment that reflects workplace conditions that is an operational business environment.
  7. Meeting room with tables and chairs 
  8. Simulated workplace templates and required policies and procedures as per assessment tasks.
  9. Access to role playing participants i.e., colleagues. Supervisor and other resources required as per simulated assessment tasks requirements. 


General Instructions to the Students

  1. Read all the assessment tasks carefully.
  2. Provide answers/responses to all the assessment tasks. 
  3. The evidence for the task can be handwritten or in a word document.
  4. If you have been asked to explain or describe, provide your answer in sufficient words ( refer to Written answer question guidance), or as per instructions/requirements for individual question. If you have been asked multiple choice question, you must choose the appropriate answer in the given choices. If you think more than one of given choices are correct, in that case you can choose as many as you think are appropriate.
  5. Your answers must reflect knowledge and understanding of the subject.
  6. Students can ask the trainer/assessor if they are having any problem in understanding the questions. (Please do not expect the trainer/assessor to tell you answer for the questions)
  7. All answers/responses must be correct to be assessed as satisfactory.
  8. The Assessment is to be attempted after completing the face-to-face training for this unit with the trainer and assessor.
  9. Please be advised that the following is the required evidence for practical assessment tasks.
    1. The student is required to submit all the required documents as mentioned in Deliverable Specifications in the assessment instructions.
    2. Clear photos while undertaking practical activities. The trainer assessor or person assigned by him will take the photos from suitable directions and in numbers as mentioned in Deliverable Specifications.
  10. Your assessment will be given an outcome of competent or not yet competent.
  11. The student will be asked Oral Questions to confirm the ability to consistently identify and correctly interpret the essential underpinning knowledge required for practical application. 
  12. After completing assessment and obtaining result from trainer/assessor, you will acknowledge on Assessment Result Sheet that you have been informed of the assessment result and the reasons for the outcome.

Assessment Task Summary

  1. This cluster requires you to complete six assessment tasks. You must satisfactorily complete all tasks to achieve competency for the units in this cluster.
  1. Assessment Task
  1. Assessment Method
  1. Task Summary
  1. Assessment Task 1: Written Questions
  1. Questions and Answers
  1. Students must answer all given written questions.
  1. Assessment Task 2: 
  1. Project and Demonstration/role play 
  1. Students are required to Participate in safe work practice in the simulated  workplace environment as per provided assessment tasks and instructions. 


Assessment task 1 Written Questions:

Assessment objectives

The student will demonstrate the knowledge required to Participate in safe work practices. 

Deliverable specifications 

The student must deliver answers to all the questions. The answers should be correct, sufficient and in acceptable form of quality and standard.

If you have been asked to explain or describe, provide your answer in sufficient words ( refer to Written answer question guidance), or as per instructions/requirements for individual question. If you have been asked multiple choice question, you must choose the appropriate answer in the given choices. If you think more than one of given choices are correct, in that case you can choose as many as you think are appropriate.

What do I need to submit?

  • Your answers to each question in this task.

What do I need to do if I get something wrong?

  • If your assessor marks any of your answers as incorrect, he/she will provide you with feedback. You will need to resubmit the answers for the questions that were incorrect in writing.

Written answer question guidance.


The following written questions may use a range of ‘instructional words’, such as ‘identify’ or ‘explain’. These words will guide you as to how you should answer the question. Some questions will also tell you how many answers you need to give – for example: ‘Describe three strategies…’.

  • Discuss – when a question asks you to ‘discuss’, you are required to point out important issues or features and express some form of critical judgment. Generally, you are expected to write a response of one or two paragraphs in length.
  • Describe – when a question asks you to ‘describe’, you will need to state the most noticeable qualities or features. Generally, you are expected to write a response of two or three sentences in length.
  • Explain – when a question asks you to ‘explain’, you will need to make clear how or why something happened or the way it is. Generally, you are expected to write a response of three to four sentences in length.
  • Identify – when a question asks you to ‘identify’, you will need to briefly describe the required information. Generally, you are expected to write a response of two or three sentences in length.
  • List – when a question asks you to ‘list’, this means you will need to briefly state information in a list format, often with a specific number of items indicated. 


Written Questions 


  1. Which version of Occupational Health and Safety Act is in force in Victoria.
  1. Which version of Occupational Health and Safety Regulations is in force in Victoria.
  1. As basic aspects of work health and safety (WHS) legislation, list at least two actions that must be adhered to by businesses.
  1. List employer’s basis responsibilities for workplace health and safety. (Minimum two)
  1. List employee’s basis responsibilities at workplace regarding health and safety. (Minimum two)
  1. According to health and safety legislation, what are the responsibilities of employers and employees in relation to PPE? 
  1. What are the consequences of failure to comply with health and safety legislation and failure to follow organisational policies and procedures? 
  1. What are 5 steps a business must do to ensure they remain compliant with their WHS obligations?
  1. A large delivery of alcohol has been received by a hotel. The delivery driver has left the boxes in a walkway, and it is hard for workers to move around the stack of boxes. What could workers do to remove this hazard? 
  1. Why should workers follow workplace health and safety procedures? 
  1. List three hazards and associated health, safety, and security risks in a commercial kitchen. 
Hazards Associated health, safety, and security risks









  1. Write a short sentence to describe how workers could safely remove each of these hazards from the workplace.


HazardSafe removal of hazard
Faulty equipment or machinery 
Heavy boxes that need to be moved 
Water on the floor 
Boxes stored in a walkway 
  1. What is the role of emergency/ fire wardens during an evacuation?
  1. What should employees do during an evacuation? 
  1. What should be included in Health and safety policies and procedures? List four.
  1. List at least three contents of health, safety and security procedures relating to evacuation of staff and customers in case of emergency. 
  1. List at least three contents of health, safety and security procedures relating security management of important things like cash, documents, equipment, keys, or people.
  1. Describe how cash should be handled to reduce opportunity of theft.
  1. Develop an evacuation procedure for a commercial kitchen.
  1. How can workers report workplace hazards? 
  1. What are the uses of template reports for hazards and incident and accident reporting?
  1. What type of information might workers need to provide for emergency incident reports? 
  1. Using the form below, you are to complete an accident report form for the following incident.  Please note that you may add any missing facts or information for the purpose of this task. 

On 12 March 2022, you witnessed Joanne Smyth a male worker slips downstairs in the kitchen and injure his left ankle.  The first aid officer (Ian Jones) applied ice, elevation, and a pressure bandage to the injured ankle.  Joanne was then taken to the staffroom to rest his ankle – as he did not want to go home.  You heard that Joanne was distracted as he was talking on telephone with some customer whilst approaching the stairs, but you did not see this firsthand, but another person Kim told you that he has seen him falling while talking on phone. 




Accident Report Form


Title:  Dr       Mr  Ms  Mrs       Miss                                          
Surname:_________________________          Given Names:________________________________
Gender:   Male / Female                                                               Date of Birth _______________( Date / Month / Year)
❑ Employee                                                                      
❑ Independent Person                                                
Home Address:___________________________________________________________________
Telephone:  Home_________________  Work _________________  Mob____________________ 
Occupation:________________________________  Email:________________________________
Title:  Dr       Mr  Ms  Mrs       Miss                                          
Surname:_________________________          Given Names:_______________________________
❑ Employee                                                                      
❑ Independent Person                                                
Occupation:________________________________  Email:________________________________
Day of Accident:_____________ Date of Accident:________ Time of Accident:_________ am/pm
Location of Accident:______________________________________________________________

What was the person doing leading up or at the time of the accident (e.g., sweeping )


What happened: (e.g., slipped on floor, struck by car)



What safety equipment was being used at the time (e.g., gloves, goggles, earmuffs):_____________



Was the hazard that caused the accident / injury previously reported?  Yes / No / N/A
Has the hazard been resolved:  Yes / No / N/A




Description of the injury / condition / disease:___________________________________________





Name: ________________________________     Contact No: _______________________________

Name: ________________________________     Contact No: _______________________________



Detail action taken as a result of this accident:___________________________________________





Name: _________________________________   

Signature: ______________________________   Date: __________________________________


Safe work practices as a worker in commercial kitchen 

Provide answer to following questions from 24-27) in context to Safe work practices as a worker in commercial kitchen.

  1. What is included in the safe work practices.

  1. Describe the safe work techniques for handling knives.

  1. Describe the safe working techniques for handling hot surfaces.

  1. list the safe working techniques for handling and storing cleaning chemicals used in the kitchen. List three for each.



  1. As a safe work practice, what protective clothes would you wear within a commercial kitchen?
  1. List WHS areas (at least five) that should be covered during WHS induction training.
  1. When should you receive training for a new job task?


  1. How can you contribute to WHS consultation (List 3 ways)

Student Declaration:

  • I declare that the work submitted is my own and has not been copied or plagiarised from any person or source, except for where I have listed or referenced documents and no part of this assessment has been written for me by any other person.


Signature: ________________________


Date: ____/_____/_____


Assessment task 2 

Project and role-play

Please access Assessment task 2 in a separate document.

Note to trainer assessor:

The trainer/assessor will use the marking and observation checklist and unit assessment result sheet (provided in a separate document) to record the outcome of all assessment tasks. The trainer/assessor will provide feedback for the student in Comments /feedback section. Where any item/criteria have been marked as not satisfactory, outline the gaps in your feedback and document the actions that must be taken by the student to address the gaps. A copy of feedback must be provided to the student by the trainer/assessor.


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