
Cookery Assignments recognizes that your privacy is important. It is our ethical duty to update you with our Privacy Policy. While writing "you", we are referring to our clients. This Privacy Policy explains the procedure we follow. The proceeding includes the collection, disclosure, use, and sharing of your personal information when you take services from Cookery Assignments, which provides online educational writing support. The term "Personal Information" in this Privacy Policy means any information from which your identity is clear or can be shown.

The services that we offer target students studying in various Australian universities. Maintaining their confidentiality is our prime concern, whether they are new to our service or regular users. At all times, we aim to uphold your privacy and abide by the Australian Privacy Principles set out in the Privacy Act 1988. We don't collect your personal information unless you choose to provide it to us.

So, before selecting for our writing guidance, you should go through our Privacy Policy. It will give you an understanding of how we collect and use your data. We have used very simple language in this policy, but at any point, if you come up with doubts, and then don't hesitate to contact us through the details at the end.

Table of Contents

  • Information That We Collect from Our Clients.
  • Purpose of Using Your Personal Information.
  • Maintaining The Quality of Your Personal Information.
  • Security of Your Personal Data.
  • Disclosure of Your Personal Information.
  • Accessing And Correcting Your Personal Information.
  • Data Retention.
  • Eligible Data Breach.
  • Use of Cookies and Similar Technologies.
  • Changes to Our Privacy Policy.
  • Contacting Us.

Information That We Collect from Our Clients

We collect Personally Identifiable Information (PII) as well as Non-Personally Identifiable Information (Non-PII) directly from individuals who visit our website.

Personally Identifiable Information

PII distinguishes you from other users operating your computer or mobile. It includes some basic information, like your

  • Name
  • Address
  • Email Address
  • Your acknowledgment to participate in our website's exercises
  • The date you first contacted us to inquire about our services

Non-Personally Identifiable Information

Non-PII (Personally Identifiable Information) incorporates things like your IP address, web browser’s information, the geographical location of your mobile device, the amount of time employed on the site, and the total number of web pages you visited.


We refrain from saving any of your payment-related information. The transactions that you make while obtaining our services are carried out through the secure gateway of banks. But if you are paying through PayPal, then your credit card details will be provided to it. PayPal's Privacy Policy will further be applied to the information you provide.

Purpose of Using Your Personal Information

By providing their personal information, our clients prove that we are worthy of their trust. We maintain their faith in us by ensuring that the submitted data is secure. We will never share it with third parties to use it for their purposes.

We Use Your Details for the Following Reasons

  • To provide you with relevant information about our services.
  • To customize the design or content of the page on our website.
  • To reply to any complaints, questions or requests.
  • To keep an in-house record for market analysis purposes.
  • To inform you about significant alterations to the site.
  • To write the document as per the standards of your country.
  • To make significant transactions.
  • To forward alerts on the latest discounts, deals, or packages.
  • To keep in touch with you.

Maintaining the Quality of Your Personal Information

To make sure that the personal details we collect are accurate, up-to-date and complete we:

  • Record information in a consistent format.
  • Promptly add updated or new personal information to existing records; and
  • Regularly audit our contact lists to check their accuracy.
  • We also review the quality of personal information before we use or disclose it.

Security of Your Personal Information

Your information is protected with Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology, using which we encrypt the data. This software safeguards your personal information from being misused, lost, unauthorized access, modified, and disclosure. We also use firewall protection to safeguard your network from malware. But we can't ensure the security of the information when you share it online.

Disclosure of Your Personal Information

We care about the confidentiality of your data and are always committed to protecting it, but in some circumstances, your personal information may be used or disclosed to

  • Individuals, parties, entities, and organisations, as part of Cookery Assignments, provide academic writing assistance to clients;
  • Comply with legal obligations or requirements.
  • Develop business and commercial relationships.
  • Conduct Cookery Assignments' accounting and administrative operations.
  • Respond to inquiries, where reasonably necessary; and
  • To attend any other functions connected with the provision of legal services

Accessing and Correcting Your Personal Information

Under the Privacy Act 1988 (Australian Privacy Principles 12 and 13), you have the right to ask for access to and correct the personal information that we hold about you. When you ask for access or correction by contacting us, we will respond within 30 days. In addition, we take reasonable steps to correct it if we consider it incorrect unless there is a law that allows or requires us not to.

We will ask you to verify your identity before we give you access to your information or correct it. We will try to make the process as simple as possible. If we refuse to give you access to, or correct, your personal information, we must notify you in writing setting out the reasons.

If we make a correction and we have disclosed the incorrect information to others, then you can request us to tell them about the correction. We must do so unless there is a valid reason not to. If we refuse to correct your personal information, you can demand to attach with it a statement that you believe the information is incorrect and why.

You also have the right under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act) to request access to documents that we hold and make a piece of query information that we hold about you to be changed or annotated if it is incomplete, incorrect, obsolete or misleading.

Data Retention

How long we store the personal data that we collect depends on the type of information, the purpose for which it is used, how sensitive it is, and similar factors. We will keep your information only for the length of time required to fulfil the purpose described in this Privacy Policy.

However, we may keep some of your data for as long as it is essential for our honest business interests. We ensure to delete all the data once it is no longer needed. Non-personally identifiable information may be stored for an unspecified period.

Eligible Data Breach

According to the Privacy Amendment (Notifiable Data Breaches) Act 2017, we must notify eligible data breaches to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) and affected individuals as soon as we become aware that we have been subjected to data breach.

In case we suspect there has been a data breach, but we are not aware of the circumstances or whether it is actually an “eligible” data breach, then we will carry out a reasonable and expeditious assessment within thirty (30) days of becoming aware of the breach.

Use of Cookies and Similar Technologies

Cookies are small pieces of data sent to your device from our server when you interact with our website. So, whenever you visit our site after that, the cookies allow our server to recognise your browser. We use cookies, local storage objects, and similar technologies. These are tracking pixels and web beacons, accumulating demographic information, tracking users' movements, analysing trends, and administering the site.

We never bind users to accept cookies in exchange for information. You are allowed to control the use of cookies at the individual browser level. You can accept or disable cookies by clicking through an opt-in box or choosing settings from the menu. Also, make sure you have not pre-ticked boxes on the consent form. You can also withdraw your consent through the same action as you approved.

Use of Cookies and Similar Technologies

Cookies are small pieces of data sent to your device from our server when you interact with our website. So, whenever you visit our site after that, the cookies allow our server to recognise your browser. We use cookies, local storage objects, and similar technologies. These are tracking pixels and web beacons, accumulating demographic information, tracking users' movements, analysing trends, and administering the site.

We never bind users to accept cookies in exchange for information. You are allowed to control the use of cookies at the individual browser level. You can accept or disable cookies by clicking through an opt-in box or choosing settings from the menu. Also, make sure you have not pre-ticked boxes on the consent form. You can also withdraw your consent through the same action as you approved.

Changes to Our Privacy Policy

From time to time, we may update this policy to accommodate changes to our services. We will, however, always maintain our commitment to value your privacy. We will ensure to provide notice to you if these changes are significant and could impact your current rights outlined in this policy. We will provide you with reasonable notice of such changes. We will do this via email (to your most recently provided email address) or by posting a notice on our website, along with their effective date. If you continue to use the services after any change, we will consider that you agree with, and consent to be bound by, the revised policy.

Contacting Us

If you have questions about this Privacy Policy or our privacy practices, contact us by sending an e-mail at or call our number (+61 3 9016 2672).